Thursday, November 25, 2010


Nobody, let nobody tell you what you are and what you can do and what your limits are ! We live in a world where normal is somebody with a "regular" job, family, two kids and a car, slogging your ass off if you are a man and a working,home maker with 2 kids and a providing husband who buys you stuff that you can show off to the other wives "normal" !!
Well, there is a large contingent of population who are something other than normal !. There is special, there is extraordinary, there is different, there is odd, there is weird, there is new and there is real !!. The ordinary people who try so hard to fit into the box , be acceptable, be under the radar, be struggling so hard to survive while trying to look normal and accepting life with lowered expectations are the real messed up ones!.
The human psychology is to fear everything that they dont understand and fear anything that is new! Genius, Gay, Recluse,Oddly wired, emotionally traumatized, addictions are all not mostly man made or self made. They are as good or as bad as everyone else in this human race and to ostracize,blame push,abuse and attack are the deeds of misinformed, misguided, ill brought up, insensitive and insecure individuals who are not comfortable in their own skin.
The different individuals dont need our sympathy, empathy or even an effort to understand them.Just let them be and accept as you would accept yourself. We conveniently provide reasoning to all our thoughts, dreams,actions and goals ! Why not do the same to everyone else around us?.
If you cant help, dont harm by dismissive attitude,disapproval,judging and vindicating every step of the way since you cant put them in a box ?? The world has a place for everybody, a use for everybody and a job for everybody they can excel in and a person for everybody that will accept, embrace and love !!
Geniuses have died misunderstood and as paupers and then years or centuries later have been awarded posthumously or have had their works of prose, discovery, invention or art hailed and auctioned as masterpieces.In this supposed informed , evolved times, are we going to do the same to people who we dont understand or interpret according to our upbringing ( our parents brought up with belief systems and values with the tools they had in hand with the information accessible to them!) Isn't it our duty and fundamental right to grow beyond the teaching and learning drilled into us by God/religion fearing, authority fearing and approval fearing elders of our past times ?
Every human being is special, however different they may seem on the outside, there is a soul deep inside crying out for understanding,acceptance and unconditional love , not to mention or at least for love as a fellow human being. If we cant provide it then we are not any different from religious war mongers whose hate is stemmed from the the fact that another man/sect/clan/religion has different beliefs and faith !.
Love/ friendship these days comes with a long sheet of tick lists....
1)Is the person good looking ( social acceptance and vain pride!)
2) Is the person socially acceptable to my peers and elders
3) Is the person a good earner/provider
4) Does the person have a past that is acceptable ( to my narrow mind?!)
5) Does the person pamper and spoil me?
6) Does the person have social graces to my liking
7) Does the person make me feel good about myself (and make me forget my insecurities!)
8) Does the person let me do my thing while adhering to my conditions demands
9) Does the person put his/her happiness before mine
10) Does the person let me dominate the conversation
The list goes on and on...
we are dominated by peer pressure in our outlook, selfishness in our needs, vanity in our wants and unreasonableness in our desires!.... such is the world we live in and newness and strange makes us suspicious, guarded and puts us in attack mode !!
we need to chill and accept that life is for living...not just us but also for everyone around us and we need to help make the surrounding, society, country and the world we live in a more peaceful place by starting with ourselves!.Get rid of judgement, reproach, guardedness, homophobic nature and be free of prejudices coz in the end it always comes back to haunt and hurt us. Karma is a me !!
Nothing in this world is as it seems and there is a deeper reasoning to everything. some we can understand, some we is beyond our information, knowledge or comprehension!
here are some facts...
1)there are two sides to international terrorism....ask both sides and legitimate reasoning will be given by both sides!
2) smoking was legal and illegal to do it in many places!
3) Being Gay or Lesbian was illegal in India..not anymore!
4) marijuana is illegal all over the world ...except Netherlands!
5) you are given medals for killing in war.... hanged when you do it to protect your family!
These examples are all about understanding that nothing is real, forever or right !!
There are many Leaders in our society who take it up on themselves to moral police us when in spite of being in a position of power, they cant eradicate poverty, control violence, put a roof on every citizen's head, abolish corruption that is happening under their nose (or indulge in stealing millions themselves), but they will do everything in their power and God given right to tell people how to lead their lives and what moral rules to follow!!.
All you can do in the time given to you in this world is to accept, embrace and move forward.... the best way you see fit while going through your fears, insecurities, guilt, accidents to body (and mind!), recuperate, heal, learn and ....LIVE !! I say LIVE in capitals coz if you are living a life of suspicion, wariness, blame, control, dominating the powerless, being dominated by the powerful, unforgiveness and loathe are existing and doing it badly!!
We all have only one certain goal....and before we reach that goal, lets try and make the world around us more being more tolerant!!
(who says we cant have happy endings??) :)