Reality !!

Seriously, reality is overrated ! Reality is what is supposed to be, what seems like, what people think, what people perceive,what people have been told to believe when they see something and what people think they saw!!Trust me, all reality need not be the truth but we mistake truth for reality!
                                     Why am i confusing the crap out of myself and every poor soul who is reading this?? Hopefully, the words that follow will throw some light on the subject (by now i am wondering if there is one!!)
Smoking is cool ..was a reality till people started treating them like lepers, banishing them to street corners where they are huddled together, taking frantic drags on their cancer sticks casting furtive glances to see if their friends see them and sneer!
East Germany were the poor counterparts to West Germany till the wall, which was a reality came crashing down!(after that East Germans made the west Germans poor!) Greece was a posh European country, a shining jewel in the European union( with its 3 hr lunches and 54 yrs retirement with benefits and 25 hr work week).Now every European country blames/pounces on i'ts collapse  to their poor showing!
Such a handsome actor/ singer was a reality in a lot of people's minds till Rock Hudson/ George Michael/ Ricky Martin decided to tell the world their closet is not big enough for them to hide! ( for the uninitiated, coming out of the closet means telling the world that you like the same gender and that too not in a sisterly/brotherly way!!)
               OK, the point of the whole preamble is that, we are quick to judge, slot people in particular ways, tell friends about our findings and not rest till we convince them of our finds and till we are proved right! Basically what we are doing is profiling people in the same way we have done since childhood! it was nature or nurture i dont know, but we as children were extremely hard on some kids because they were not like us..limp, lisp,different colour,different abilities, different disabilities, fat, thin, whatever.... we formed convenient gangs of friends ,picked on the different ones unkindly or ruthlessly because we didn't we couldn't accept! looking around, dont u agree that we are doing the same things we did as kids to our friends, neighbors, co workers..even strangers!!  we form our own opinions and trap them into slots and refuse to get the slot out of our heads...
like a boss who thinks a nice employee cant lead, like a girl who thinks a gentle guy wont provide passion, like a bigot who thinks every member of a particular religion are bad,etc, etc... these are all realities in our head and we need to free ourselves from these realities because they are really far from the truth!!
so...before we take one look , hear one word, have one interaction and decide what and who the other person is, lets stop, understand where they are coming from ( not their hometown, but why they are what they are!) and give them a be understood by us, because acceptance come only after understanding and not before!! we are all not similar and thank God for that..thats what makes this world unique and interesting! lets enjoy the diversities of the human kind and accept the fact that there are always going to be people we might  like and people we might love and people we might despise! big deal..if we can take the time and effort to understand them, fine..! if we dont have the time, move on,.., no time to criticize,analyse, dissect and discuss another human being! reality is that we have our lives..we live them according to our circumstances, let no one judge us nor do our lives seem better to us or anyone else  if we judge others!!...
lets live, let live and if anyone wants to go on being a boor, bigot, sadist,racist, extremist, fundamentalist, feudalistic, chauvinistic,close minded,in human,insensitive........ lets cheerfully point them in the right HELL , and go on our merry way!!
Now that i have attacked reality, i would like to take on 'forever' and kick it's ass! thats coming soon !!